Olive ridley turtles, an endangered species, have arrived in large numbers at Odisha, India, for their annual mass nesting ...
Thousands of Olive Ridley turtles have commenced their annual mass nesting at Rushikulya river mouth in Odisha, with numbers ...
The mass nesting continued until February 24, with 6,98,718 turtles laying eggs this year, surpassing the previous record of ...
The mouth of the Rushikulya River in Odisha's Ganjam district has emerged as a major rookery for the endangered olive ridley ...
The mouth of Rushikulya river in Ganjam district has emerged as a major rookery for the endangered Olive Ridley turtles with ...
Every year, in a breathtaking display of nature’s rhythm, thousands of Olive Ridley sea turtles return to Odisha’s shores for their mass nesting event, known as Arribada — a Spanish word meaning ...
Within only a couple of weeks during their breeding season, more than 100 olive ridley turtles were found dead at ...
The olive ridley turtle nesting has been rapidly increasing with many turtles coming ashore to nest in the coastal taluks of ...
Over 6.82 lakh olive ridley turtles have flocked to Odisha's Rushikulya River mouth for mass nesting, breaking last year's record and reaffirming the site's importance for this endangered species.
Over 641,000 Olive Ridley sea turtles have laid eggs at the Rushikulya rookery in Ganjam district in this ongoing nesting ...
A female Olive Ridley usually lays about 120 to 150 eggs from which hatchlings emerge after about 45 to 50 days.
BHUBANESWAR: A staggering 6.41 lakh Olive Ridley turtles have laid eggs at Rushikulya rookery so far in the current nesting ...