Pavel Durov, the founder of the app heralded by some free speech advocates, is on bail in France facing allegations it is ...
For buying music, Bandcamp and Discogs both came up a bunch. A few of you also like using Discogs’ collection-tracking stuff, ...
Offline downloads are a must-have feature for any phone or tablet these days, but we still don't have them on our portable ...
Google's Phone app is devoid of many useful features, and it should simply copy features from the Samsung Phone app.
Whether it be part-time or full-time opportunities, TikTok has provided big breaks for Iowa content creators. As the ban of ...
A new warning for anyone using email on their phones this week, as the extent to which this is a broken format in dire need ...
But you're not limited by the commands the tech companies came up with, as you can create brand new commands for your ...
While there is no shortage of habit tracker apps, you don’t have to add another app to your phone home screen or the desktop ...
If you've got a Google TV, you've likely explored the various apps and features it offers. However, some of the device's best ...
Google has announced that Lens users on iOS can now use gestures to complete image searches. Available to English-language ...
Google is rolling out Gemini's Deep Research capabilities to services in its Workspace suite. More details here.