meant to keep it roughly calibrated to the 365-day solar year, the Roman calendar was still based on lunar cycles, resulting in a 355-day year. The adjustments required to keep it on track were ...
It was no easy task as Caesar ended up giving us the longest year in history of 445 days based on the advice of an astronomer. As well as Mercedonius, he added two other months, one of 33 days and ...
Wepet Renpet was intrinsically linked to the heliacal rising of Sirius, which heralded the summer solstice and the annual ...
Do you know that there was a year that lasted 445 days?46 BCE was the longest year ever recorded, lasting 445 days, 80 days more than a usual year.A year is defined by the Earth’s orbit around the Sun ...
There are plenty of rules to follow to make sure good fortune doesn’t slip away in the new year. Here's what to know.
The Gregorian calendar, which restored January 1 as the New Year's Day, was immediately adopted by Italy, France, Spain and a few other nations. Great Britain and its American colonies did not follow ...
There are plenty of rules to follow to make sure good fortune doesn’t slip away in the new year. Here's what to know.