They found that many of the nerve cells had breaks in the membrane that separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell. This nuclear envelope protects and regulates the chromosomes inside the ...
In such cells, the plasma membrane is part of an extensive endomembrane system that includes the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the nuclear membrane, the Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes. Membrane ...
A stranded chromosome forms a shoddy nuclear membrane around itself, which is much smaller and less functional than the main nuclear envelope that surrounds the nucleus. These micronuclei can then ...
The research shows that graphene-based membranes could make the production of heavy water more efficient, leading to greener and cheaper nuclear power. Producing heavy water which needed by the ...
Most importantly, we then observed via electron microscopy that the nuclear membrane structure was destabilized in cells where PQBP3 had moved to the cytoplasm." To shed light on this ...
and slightly enlarged nuclei with nuclear membrane irregularity and finely granular chromatin (g). Low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma. Three-dimensional clusters of innocuous urothelial cells ...
The nuclear envelope is a regulated membrane barrier that separates the nucleus from the cytosol in eukaryotes. Although the NE is often depicted as a static barrier, new research has identified ...
A protein called torsinA plays a key role in the early development of neurons, determining where nuclear pores are placed in the membrane that encloses the nucleus of nerve cells, a study led by UT ...
Plant cells contain subunits including walls, membrane systems (golgi, plasma membrane, nuclear membrane, endoplasmic reticulum) and organelles (mitochondria, nucleus, chloroplasts), and ...
The study, published August 16 in the Journal of Cell Biology, suggests that the aggregates can poke holes in the membrane ...