Fox Street Investments LLC sold the home at 620 Fox St. to David and Linda Finlon, of Saluda, North Carolina, for $567,000.
RHINELANDER, Wis. (WAOW) - Wild Instincts, a wildlife rehabilitation center, Is hard at work preparing for the bird flu.
H5N1, which was first detected in 1996 in China and was found in the United States in 2022, has affected 160 million poultry ...
Seteweela, a 14-year-old golden eagle originally from the San Francisco area, was rendered flightless at about the age of 3 ...
During the peak of the spring migration, over over billion birds will take flight each night. Here's how to help them through ...
The hummingbird is getting ready for a Delaware vacation. Here's how you can help these little cuties have a fun migration.
Avian flu itself is nothing new, having first been documented as far back as 1878. But the current outbreak is unusual, as it ...
Spring is just around the corner in Georgia and state officials are urging residents to apply spring cleaning not just to ...
Dare County Department of Health & Human Services (DCDHHS) is issuing an important update regarding the ongoing surveillance of Highly Pathogenic Avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 or bird flu in ...
The songbirds you are attracting to your feeders, such as cardinals, sparrows and woodpeckers, are not likely to be infected ...
Mourning doves are one of the most beloved backyard birds. Their signature cooing means they’re often heard before they’re ...