Will you face any financial challenges or new opportunities will come your way? Know the horoscope for each zodiac sign for January 16 and find out how the stars are gonna influence your day. Aries ...
A new day beckons and urges you to wake up with a freshly infused emotion of positivity. Let’s see what the Universe has to ...
Diplomatic and charming, Libra wants to maintain peace and harmony in their lives. How does this impact their relationships?
An astrologer reveals how the ascendant, descendant, Midheaven and Imum Coeli hold the key to self-knowledge and ...
Planet position forms the base that sets the mechanics of astrology in motion. The planetary position gives the degree, minutes and seconds of the Zodiac over which celestial bodies are transiting at ...
A divine test is a portal to a new life, sweet Scorpio. Just because it feels like you’re being tested doesn’t mean you aren’t on the right track. Instead, this is to help you see that you ...
Yesterday, we were talking about the way we use hats to project an image. Today, as the Sun's link to Jupiter brings a boost of optimism and confidence, the story of John Hetherington, the first ...