Staročeské krčmy, ale i moderní kavárny a působivý koktejl bar. Kutná Hora umí zahrát mlsounům na jejich chuťové pohárky.
Kutná Hora - Na pohřbu v Kutné Hoře dnes dvaasedmdesátiletý muž napadl nožem své dva příbuzné a způsobil jim lehké poranění na rukou. Po činu z místa ujel, policisté ho později zadrželi, řekl ČTK poli ...
KCD2 depicts real locations like Trosky Castle and Kuttenberg accurately, providing an immersive gameplay experience.
International teams kick off DUBAI GAMES 2025 campaigns with gruelling Burj Challenge as ‘Battle of the Cities’ heats up- 50 ...
50 competing teams representing global cities don weighted vests and race up 160 floors of the world's tallest building in their bid for su ...
The city of Kutná Hora is one of the climatic points of the game. Its design and atmosphere take us back to the Middle Ages in a unique way. Walking through its streets, admiring its buildings ...
Warhorse Studios surprises with its ability to transport us to another era and create a great role-playing game in a 100% realistic and historical setting.
The distance between Suchdol and Kuttenberg (known today as Kutná Hora) is around 7 km. The Rattay region in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Warhorse Studios, Radio Times The Kuttenberg region as a ...
Kvůli srážce osobního auta s projíždějícím vlakem se ve středu ráno zastavil provoz na trati u Kutné Hory. Řidička podle ...
The UK's no.1 magazine for the latest news, reviews features and interviews from the world of tabletop gaming. Written for ...
Počítačová hra Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 láme rekordy v prodejnosti. Obrovská obliba hry, která se odehrává v českém středověku, může vést i k zájmu o historii.