The show is led by a strong ensemble cast featuring the young players portrayed by Liv Hewson, Sophie Nélisse, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Courtney Eaton, Sophie Thatcher and Samantha Hanratty, while the ...
The teaser for the return of the Emmy-nominated horror-survival-coming of age seres (which begins streaming on Valentine's Day) includes Ella Purnell and Hilary Swank among the cast.
Scream 7 just announced the casting of a major star in an important new role--however, it undermines something set up in a ...
Scream 7 won't bring Mark Kincaid back and, instead, Sidney's husband is another Mark, which gives the movie an even bigger ...
The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror announced three special awards ahead of the Feb. 2 ceremony on Tuesday including honors for William Shatner and the film "Back to the Future." ...