Offers are due this week all of the Big Lots retail stores in Arizona put up for sale by the company's new owner.
After saying last month that 200-400 stores would stay open, Big Lots told a court that the parties involved need until April ...
Big Lots announced plans on Friday, Dec. 20 to close all stores and hold going out of business sales before reaching this ...
Another big cut coming to Big Lots' store base as more than 500 are up for sale, including six around Columbus.
Big Lots at 185 S. Kennedy Drive in Bradley is remaining open, but it is on the list of stores that are closing.
There will be an auction of items from the Big Lots Distribution Center in Durant after word that it will likely close.
Sycorange’s video begins with him recording a Curve gift set inside of a Big Lots store. On the box is a sticker with a section that’s been blacked out with a marker. Although it’s been covered, the ...