oxygen tension sampled from an umbilical-artery catheter. The duration of continuous assisted ventilation was evaluated by clinical trial. Upon cessation of the artificial ventilation, the infant ...
Haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) occurs when there is transplacental passage of maternal immunoglobulin G ...
All 18 placentas were examined macroscopically and the diameters of the first order chorionic plate artery (CPA) and vein were recorded. The presence of any anastomosis between the two umbilical ...
I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with almond shaped eyes,” a woman named Sarah wrote on Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s website. “The doctors and nurses didn’t notice, but I did. After days of ...
(A) Periarterial edema (PASE) without obliterative endarteritis, 40 weeks, neonate with stroke in the medial cerebral artery distribution, normal umbilical cord coiling, ×20; (B) Obliterative ...
Umbilical cord mononuclear cells may enhance recovery via ... demonstrated in an experimental model of ischemic injury after middle cerebral artery occlusion in Sprague-Dawley rats that DMSO used as a ...
Background: Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UCMSCs ... (DP), tail vein injection (DT), intraperitoneal injection (DI), and dorsal pancreatic artery injection (DPA). Results: After two ...
Infants may suffer an anoxic brain injury when the umbilical cord is wrapped around their neck ... and treating acute problems, whether a blocked artery or an acute COPD flareup. Long-term anoxia ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Stem cells derived from adipose tissue, known as nanofat, show promise in improving wound healing and reducing early scar inflammation. These cells, more ...
The team also addressed a long-standing puzzle in the blood stem cell field by showing that the greater regenerative potential of human umbilical cord-derived blood stem cells, compared with adult ...