David Geier has been hired as a senior data analyst at H.H.S. According to several people, he will examine any potential ...
That year she also received a Business Emmy for her contributions to the ABC World News report “Global Food Crisis ... received her BA from the University of Pennsylvania, with a double ...
PHILADELPHIA, PA– Emily Bhatnagar, a first-year student at the University of Pennsylvania’s College of Liberal and Professional Studies, has been awarded the Margaret L. Hodges Leadership ...
THE Clark Development Corp. (CDC) has signed a Lease Agreement (LA) with Pommes De Terre Inc.(PDTI) to convert an existing building into a food court and café. The LA was signed by CDC President and ...
Graduating medical students at the University of Pennsylvania found out where they'll go for residency programs on Friday. "My experience here has been amazing," said Sydney Chambule, a Penn ...
The Justice Department said in a court filing Monday that it was ... or "enhanced interrogation" — program. A 2010 University of Pennsylvania Law Review article found that the U.S. government ...
the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard, are offering free tuition for students whose families earn $200,000 and below. The court also left open the possibility that universities could consider ...
Philabundance, the largest food bank in the Philadelphia region, will now have to look at how to fill a million-dollar hole. This comes after the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced earlier ...
Pennsylvania is challenging the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s cancellation of a $13 million contract that helps local farmers supply food to area food pantries. The Local Food Purchasing ...
Mangione, a 2016 Gilman valedictorian and graduate of the University of Pennsylvania ... s possession,” Mangione’s attorney said in the court filing. “Not only is there no legitimate ...