If you want to enjoy the literal fruits of a tree's labor, consider growing helpful plants in its vicinity. One great option ...
Before planting clear the area of all grass and weeds. Add 4 to 5 shovelfuls of organic matter like peat moss or manure to ...
Gardeners are being urged not to cut down or remove tree stumps from their gardens - because it will do more harm than good ...
With such a possibility in mind, it may be time to consider turning part of the backyard garden into a chicken coop. This is ...
For your peach tree to give you fruit, the flowers need to be pollinated. In normal situations, pollination would be carried out by bees and other flying insects, hopping from flower to flower and ...
Spring-bearing strawberry plants that were set out this spring should have blossoms pinched off. New plants have a limited ...
Old-fashioned gardening tips often contain valuable wisdom that's worth trying. Here's one method you can use to keep fruit ...
If you want to add some height to your yard, then consider the Norway spruce ( Picea abies ), which can reach upwards of 70 ...