I love biting my nails. I am a nail-biter and even at my big age, I find it so comforting and satisfying. While I am also always washing my hands, I’m aware that this habit is... unsightly, to say the ...
Chronic nail biting is clinically known as onychophagia, which Psychology Today explains as “a pathological oral habit and grooming disorder characterised by chronic, seemingly uncontrollable ...
Childhood nail biting, or onychophagia, is a common behavior. Today, let's uncover why your child might be doing it and how you can help them stop.
Dr Claire Merrifield, GP and medical director at Selph told Tyla that nail biting, or onychophagia, is a type of self-grooming behaviour and the reasons behind it are unclear. Advert "Some experts ...
“Before creating a treatment plan, it is vital to carry out a thorough consultation with the client, so you can manage their expectations and consider ways to help them break the habit,” says Lucy ...