Nova Scotia’s education minister says he will make it clear to schools on the province’s South Shore that they are expected ...
1:59 Nova Scotia’s education minister says schools expected to fly diverse flags Nova Scotia’s education minister said Tuesday he will make it clear to schools on the province’s South ...
A Nova Scotia centre for education has issued a directive allowing only Canada and Nova Scotia flags to fly outside South Shore schools — a move the provincial teachers union calls concerning ...
A Nova Scotia centre for education has issued a directive allowing only Canada and Nova Scotia flags to fly outside South Shore schools — a move the provincial teachers union calls concerning ...
A Nova Scotia centre for education has issued a directive allowing only Canada and Nova Scotia flags to fly outside South ...
HALIFAX - Nova Scotia’s education minister says he will make it clear to schools on the province’s South Shore that they are expected to resume flying flags representing diverse communities.
Nova Scotia Education Minister Brendan Maguire takes part in a press conference in Halifax, Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024. Brendan Maguire says he believes all schools in the province should be safe places ...