Along with the still-relevant big names found in the below list of the Top 40 Songs of 1975, which were chosen by the UCR ...
What’s Your Take? The 20 Best Songs from the 70s That Defined a Decade of Iconic Music ...
It was both growth and transition, but more so than that, it was an extension of an era that helped shape rock music forever. READ MORE: Top 35 Hard Rock Albums of the '70s If the LPs on UCR's ...
From Pete Seeger to Billie Holiday to Rage Against the Machine to Kendrick Lamar, musicians of all genres have spoken truth to power ...
Remembering Oldies, but Goodies from the ‘70s Who remembers Dr. Hook & And Medicine Show, an American Rock band that was ...
Some of the live music industry’s most respected and consistently working roadies, instrument techs and sound people have ...
Photo: David Corio/Redferns/Getty Images Popular music of the ’70s and ’80s mixed and matched parts assembled earlier in the 20th century, borrowing from the melisma of soul, the locomotion ...
The Samaritan’s vision is that fewer people die by suicide. Our mission is to make sure there’s someone there for anyone who ...
Music holds a certain power when invoking change. Whether it be artists like The Beatles and their pushback toward politics or David Bowie coming out and re ...
Some of the live music industry’s most respected and consistently working roadies, instrument techs and sound people have been on the job for half a century. By Tim Sommer Funny place, the music ...