Earlier, police said that some areas in the Helsinki city center will be closed for traffic because of the meeting. The measures will affect a number of streets, including the city’s main street ...
It sits out the main city center on one of Helsinki’s many islands, with the abode surrounded by a luminous pool and a verdant public sculpture park. Although the Didrichsen collection is ...
There is either public or private transportation to many islands with a small fee, and the national parks are reachable by public transit just 1/h hour from Helsinki City Center. The best places to ...
The Finnish capital of Helsinki is a city in a hurry. In 2019 it became the first city in Europe to bring a sustainable development report to the table at the United Nations High-Level Political ...
Most of you will arrive to Helsinki to the Helsinki-Vantaa international airport. From there, the best way to Helsinki City Center is by the direct trains (either P or I train). You can use zone ABC ...
Finnish authorities initially ordered the seizure of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in 2023, but that decision was ...