If you have fruit trees, now’s the time to be on the lookout for codling moths. This is the time of year — mid-March to early ...
Insects’ aversion to worm castings is demonstrated when they are spread over ant nests, causing the ants to remove themselves from the nests. If you have an issue with ants climbing up the trunks of ...
If you want to enjoy the literal fruits of a tree's labor, consider growing helpful plants in its vicinity. One great option ...
Old-fashioned gardening tips often contain valuable wisdom that's worth trying. Here's one method you can use to keep fruit ...
Before planting clear the area of all grass and weeds. Add 4 to 5 shovelfuls of organic matter like peat moss or manure to ...
Growing tree fruit is rewarding. However, it's not easy; tree fruits need to be managed correctly to prevent insect and disease issues, making them more challenging to grow. Cornell ...
“For years, I have used some type of yearly insect control product to help protect my fruit trees. The last few years I have used the Bioadvanced Fruit, Citrus & Vegetable Insect Control produc ...
That explains why your insecticide applications didn’t help with the problem. Cytospora canker, caused by a fungus, is the most likely disease. It is common on fruit trees and can also affect ...
Residents who wish to remove Bradford pear trees from their property are encouraged to contact a licensed tree professional ...
The fruits the trees produce are also inedible to humans and provide little to no food for insects, harming the ecosystem.
The fruits the trees produce are also inedible to humans and provide little to no food for insects, harming the ecosystem. "Birds consume the fruit after frost has softened it, subsequently ...