Pine Island Glacier, one of the fastest-shrinking glaciers in Antarctica, hastened its slide into the sea between 2017 and ...
"What we're really talking about are two incredible extreme events." Scientists sound the alarm after Antarctic sea ice ...
The world and the places we live will experience increasing climate extremes. There is no way around this. The hope we must ...
The Orang Laut sea nomads living around Indonesia's Batam island face an uncertain future, as climate change and modernisation upend their lives at sea. Advertisement You May Also Like ...
The Chukchi Sea is the one that bounds the United States. It is in the north of the Bering Strait, a waterway separating ...
Antarctica’s rapidly shrinking sea ice could have a significant impact on the food supply of seabirds that breed far from the ...
In recent years, scientists have also suggested that declining levels of Arctic sea ice, due to climate change, could influence the monsoon’s temperament, too. In the new study, researchers used ...
Continuously hotter summers and less sea ice are remaking the Arctic. Some researchers wonder what opportunities might appear ...
a phenomenon referred to as Arctic amplification. This warming has affected the region’s ice-covered areas and ecosystems and has altered global weather patterns and climate by influencing atmospheric ...
Weekly Animation of Arctic Sea Ice Age with Graph of Ice Age By Area: 1984 - 2016 ...
Reference: “Bioprospecting of inhibitors of EPEC virulence from metabolites of marine actinobacteria from the Arctic Sea” by Tuomas Pylkkö, Yannik Karl-Heinz Schneider, Teppo Rämä, Jeanette Hammer ...
The robots’ task is to better understand how rapidly ice is melting — and how quickly that could cause catastrophic sea level rise. In March, scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory ...