One of Elvis Presley's granddaughters is making headlines after new photos of her surfaced during a very rare outing in ...
Groundwater sustains India's agriculture, industries, and drinking water; over-extraction, pollution, and climate change threaten long-term water security.
The old channel of the Buriganga is now like a mere canal in the Vakurta area, connecting the Dhaleshwari and the Turag and ...
“Texas law recognizes that landowners have a right to groundwater, but it also emphasizes fairness,” Mace said. “By using ...
A Republican-sponsored bill that would repeal the Willcox Active Management Area and establish groundwater conservation ...
Demand for water by the resources industry and prolonged dry spells contribute to mass tree deaths in WA's mining heartland, ...
A California Court of Appeal (Fifth District) (“Court”) addressed in a March 14th Opinion whether water in an aquifer could be personal property.
The Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) is expanding its management into tributary basins that feed into the Eastern ...
A Senate bill would earmark 80% of funds for "new" water projects like desalination plants and pipelines from other states. A ...
The focus on high-yielding variety seeds led to a decline in indigenous crop varieties, reducing biodiversity and increasing ...
While the statewide snowpack sits above normal, a third straight year of snowpack drought hits the Central Cascades, with the ...
Running on empty
WHEN the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” These words by Benjamin Franklin ring especially true ...