Toen Alexander De Croo zich als premier liet fotograferen in zijn kantoor, trok een groot werk van de Antwerpse kunstenaar ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday congratulated Barr De Wever on taking over as the new leader of Belgium. "Heartiest congratulations to Prime Minister @Bart_DeWever on assuming office.
Bart De Wever took the oath early on Monday, looking straight at King Philippe, the latest monarch of a royal house he so long had little but disdain for because it symbolized the old concept of ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday congratulated Bart De Wever on taking oath as Belgium's prime minister. In a post on X, PM Modi said he hoped to enhance the India-Belgium collaboration on ...
In Nederland heeft de NOS het over de evolutie van De Wever, die volgens de openbare omroep “steeds minder radicaal” werd en uitgroeide tot de populairste politicus van België dankzij “zijn ...
Conservative Bart De Wever was sworn in Monday as Belgium’s new prime minister, after striking a hard-fought coalition deal that moves the country to the right. Struck late Friday after seven ...
Flemish nationalist Bart De Wever has been sworn in as the country's new prime minister following months of painstaking negotiations to form a coalition that moves the country further to the right.
Het hoogste politieke ambt van België leek decennialang te hoog gegrepen voor de Vlaams-nationalistische Bart De Wever. Maar het tij is gekeerd: De Wever is sinds vandaag premier van België. ‘Langs de ...
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AFP) — Conservative Bart De Wever was sworn in Monday as Belgium’s new prime minister, after striking a hard-fought coalition deal that moves the country to the right.
Right-winger Bart De Wever officially took office on Monday as Belgium’s new prime minister after securing a coalition agreement after seven months of negotiations. The deal was finalized late ...
BRUSSEL (ANP) - Een krappe twee uur nadat Bart De Wever als nieuwe premier van België was beëdigd, zal hij aanwezig zijn bij de informele defensietop van de EU-leiders in Brussel. Die top begint ...