The provincial government has set aside $106 million over three years for Edmonton in the 2025 budget for a park besides Rogers Place, to prepare land for a private development project by the Katz Group and to putting a wrecking ball to the Coliseum.
Michael Arnold, 36, from Edmonton, was on trial for first-degree murder in the death of Nakita Baron and attempted murder of her husband, Talal Fouani, who were shot while in their Bentley outside their Calgary home in August 2022.
Province's new budget means nearly all Albertans will pay less in income taxes, while home and business owners — especially those in Calgary — will pay more in provincial property taxes. The province also expects to take in more money from several other new taxes and fees.
In Calgary, the UCP will raise the amount taken by the tax from $883 million to $1.03 billion. This means a tax hike of about $240 for Calgary homeowners. In Edmonton, it appears the increase will only be about $92.
Calgary and Edmonton’s rental markets were among many municipalities across Canada in the last month to see the price of average rent decline. A new report from — an online listing marketplace for rentals — found in many Canadian cities average rents for one-bedroom and two-bedroom suites fell.
An offer withstood close scrutiny by the seller and was settled within $10,000 of the unit’s $275,000 asking price
Sohi spoke to Global News about the funding one day after the Alberta government pledged to spend $106 million over three years for downtown revitalization near Rogers Place.
The golden arches are celebrating Connor McDavid’s golden goal from the Four Nations tournament. This McDonald’s location along Edmonton’s Calgary Trail rebranding its name to honour the Edmonton Oilers captain.
Campbell, who is free on bail, did not attend court for the brief proceeding. He’s charged in connection with the September 2022 death of toddler Olivia Hayden. The child was discovered in a southeast Calgary home on Sept. 29, 2022, in medical distress.