A research team says high blood sugar levels appear to weaken function in key part of brain, mimicking Alzheimer's.
Researchers have created a way to see your family tree as a movie rather than a still portrait by tracing where your ancestors moved across the globe over time. The statistical method can also be used ...
Researchers found increased meltwater and rain explain 60% of a decades-long mismatch between predicted and observed temperatures in the ocean around Antarctica.
People living with Long COVID often feel dismissed, disbelieved and unsupported by their healthcare providers, according to a new study.
In vertebrates, the skeleton of different regions of the body arises from different precursor cells. Researchers have now discovered that these skeletal cells do not just differ in their developmental ...
To encourage scientists to speak up when people misuse science to serve political agendas, biology professor Mark Peifer of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill argues that eugenics should ...
Nitisinone was shown to last longer than ivermectin in the human bloodstream, and was able to kill not only mosquitoes of all ages -- including the older ones that are most likely to transmit malaria ...
A novel method to improve the photoluminescent efficiency of metal clusters has been developed -- which could potentially be used in applications such as bioimaging or display technologies.
Getting zapped with millions of volts of electricity may not sound like a healthy activity, but for some trees, it is. A new study reports that some tropical tree species are not only able to tolerate ...
Researchers have discovered that mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines have a persistent effect on the innate immune system. These mechanisms may help the human body to better protect itself against potential ...
Scientists used advanced data analysis and machine learning to identify the viral proteins that may trigger autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
Tiny fragments of plastic have become ubiquitous in our environment and our bodies. Higher exposure to these microplastics, which can be inadvertently consumed or inhaled, is associated with a ...