Whether you realize it or not, the amount of daylight we are getting each day is getting longer and Thursday marked the first time we have seen a sunset at 6 p.m. since November. The last time the ...
Daylight saving time starts at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9. That means you'll want to set your clocks one hour ahead either ...
As daylight saving time is observed in Illinois from March to November, sunsets will get as late as 8:29 p.m. under daylight saving time on June 20, which comes with a 5:15 a.m. sunrise ...
This weekend Americans will go through the late winter ritual of moving their clocks forward one hour, going from Standard ...
Sunset will hit its earliest time, 4:19 p.m., before also reversing course. If we did not set our clocks back an hour in November, Chicago’s latest sunrise would be 8:18 a.m. instead of 7:18 a.m. and ...
Most of Indiana used to observe standard all year long until 2006. That's when all Hoosiers switched to daylight saving time.