The so-called "corpse flower", known more formally as the titan arum or Amorphophallus titanum, typically blooms for only a couple of days and can take years—sometimes over a decade—to bloom ...
Titan arum, known as the corpse flower, in bloom at San Jose State University on July 27, 2022. Photo by Julia Brown. I could smell it before I saw it. After being led up a secured elevator and ...
The powerful scent of rotting flesh is set to waft through the air at a Melbourne garden centre to the delight of hundreds of plant enthusiasts.
Last spring, a Titan specimen in a University of Wisconsin, Madison, greenhouse acted on its sexual juices by raising an 8-foot-long floral spike. 1 Without a hint of shyness, the Wisconsin botany ...
This is the titan arum. It’s a plant that makes news whenever it flowers in a botanic garden around the world. It’s sometimes called a lily, but it’s an arum, a genus not closely related to true ...
The corpse flower releases its scent due to the need to attract pollinators - which are generally thought to be flies and carrion beetles ...