Sea bunnies, the species Jorunna parva, may look a bit like rabbits, but they are actually a type of sea slug. These one-centimetre-long creatures belong to a group known as the dorid nudibranchs. In ...
Although there are many different kinds of sea slugs, only some can photosynthesize. Even beyond sea slugs, the Elysia chlorotica is the first animal thus far known to photosynthe ...
I had been given a mission: to film a blind, underwater sea slug known as the sea bunny, which uses its ‘ears’ to sense chemicals in the water, and feeds on a poisonous blue sponge in order to ...
SARAWAK Tourism Board (STB) is ushering in the Year of the Rabbit by featuring the rare “sea bunny” Jorunna parva ... the 10mm-long soft-bodied marine slug can be found at Miri-Sibuti Coral ...