If you want to impress your friends with your tree knowledge on your next hike, check out the upcoming class from UI ...
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material ...
There are over 100 different species of pine trees, but the needles of the Eastern ... of pine are the Eastern White Pine ...
Clare Boerigter, a science writer specializing in wildland fire, and Jonathan Coop, a forest ecologist with Western Colorado ...
The Center's project involves small-tree thinning, prescribed burning, erosion control, and road removal, and is aimed at developing policy guidelines that will set rigorous standards for management ...
"We are already seeing hotter, drier summers, and we want to find trees that are adapted to ... western hemlock, and ponderosa pine species for the study. “If our conditions are changing ...
ponderosa pine trees. “They grow in what’s called a branching fractal pattern,” Brazier explained. From the base of the tree, “It grows up and it branches out. It grows up and it branches ...