On March 23, the Reichstag delegates met across the street from the burned ruins of the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera House.
The most well known of the Zeppelin airships was named after former German President Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg. Also known as the LZ129, the 803 foot-long vessel was nearly four-times the ...
BERLIN, Feb. 28, 1933 (UP) - President Paul von Hindenburg signed a decree tonight completely disbanding all constitutional safeguards for freedom of the press, speech and assembly. The decree ...
The military leadership—specifically Field Marshals Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff—convinced the German civilian government to sue for peace in the fall of 1918. An interpretive ...
elections in November 1932. This, plus the support of the President, Paul von Hindenburg, was sufficient to make him Chancellor, but did not give him complete control of Germany. During the next ...