Now paved, striped and secured from passing traffic, the new plane spotting area at Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport ...
The Sarasota Bradenton International Airport cut the ribbon on its observation area, where spectators can watch planes take off, land.
The Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority is having a ribbon-cutting for their new observation area at 8330 15th Street East, ...
Sarasota Bradenton International Airport’s popular plane-spotting area has rolled out a new look with a shaded observation deck. The $2.3 million project, which was announced in March 2024, was built ...
Below is an aerial image of the observation area. Below are images of the same location taken with four polarizations: 'VV', 'VH', 'HV', and 'HH'. When the four sets of polarization data are ...
If you live on the northside, watching airplanes take off and land from Jacksonville International Airport can be a cool ...