REMEMBERING BOB UECKER: He cast the widest net any baseball announcer ever could There's also his legendary run as a spokesman for Miller Lite, with Uecker starring in so many commercials for the ...
In the wake of Bob Uecker’s passing, one of his most memorable contributions to pop culture has resurfaced: the iconic Miller Lite “Front Row” commercial. While the ad became a defining ...
Before "Duchess of Ray Ridge" Nadine Caridi became real "Wolf of Wall Street" Jordan Belfort's second wife, the future Mrs. Belfort was a model who appeared in several Miller Lite ads. Nadine ...
Miller Lite seeks to fuel brand authenticity in launching the brand?s first user-generated national television commercial, encouraging fans to share their Miller Time photos in a communal celebration ...
The Miller Lite Fan Fest celebrates both the men's and women's Big 12 Basketball Tournaments, which are held at KC's T-Mobile ...