Oriental fruit fly, melon fly, and Mexican fruit fly. These species are considered some of the “most damaging agriculture pests in the world,” officials said. A caper fruit fly was last ...
fraterculus) in South America. Bactrocera fruit flies are the main fruit fly pests throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The melon fruit fly (B. cucurbitae) is a major pest of cucurbit crops. Using the ...
Hawaii has the solanum fruit fly, melon fly, and Medfly, too. (And yes, there's a difference between fruit flies and gnats.) ...
Because of their high egg laying capacity and mobility, each female is capable of destroying large numbers of fruit in her life span. Additionally, melon flies are strong fliers and able to travel ...
The Florida Entomologist, Vol. 68, No. 3 (Sep., 1985), pp. 467-477 (11 pages) The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), was discovered in Guatemala ...