The lane closure has causes traffic snarls during the afternoon rush hour on the eastbound Lake Shore Boulevard East.
The Little Ice Age, which lasted around 500 years, had a profound impact on the environment and the people who lived around Lake Ontario.
Barelegged swans are a bit like baseball players without caps. But as the art form confronts its history of racial ...
Thanks to a massive initiative over 100,000 pieces of plastic were removed from Lake Ontario last year. Throughout 2024, more than 600 kg of anthropogenic (man-made) debris was removed from the ...
An abstract painter and visual artist known professionally as K.I.A., Andersen has spent the last decade experimenting with ...
Wade was overturned in the US. Schwartz (of Toronto restaurants Belle Isle and Lake Inez, which he co-owns with Patrick Ciappara and Dennis Kimeda) and Rockliff (an artist and PR professional ...