But spotting the differences between a house finch vs a purple finch is particularly tricky. After all, the two species look incredibly alike! Here are some important things to look out for when ...
You've probably heard of invasive plants, but what about invasive birds? These common nonnative species are now abundant in ...
The attractive house finch is one of the more common and recognizable species throughout the United States. Originally a “western” species of semiarid environments, it was introduced in the ...
A male house finch that is a regular visitor to my deck for sunflower seeds appears sick. He’s less active, and when he ...
The Wildlife Center of Virginia is warning people who like to feed birds to be on the lookout. An eye disease that can prove ...
DEAR JOAN: A male house finch that is a regular visitor to my deck for sunflower seeds appears sick. He’s less active, and when he perches, he gapes his beak open and closed, over and over ...
Male house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) that are have more brightly colored red breast feathers are healthier than duller, yellower ones, and their coloration visually signals their fitness to ...
It occasionally joins the more common house finch at seed feeders in winter. Polytypic. Length 6.3". Highly sexually dimorphic with males pink and females brown. Generally lighter pink than other ...
DEAR JOAN: A male house finch that is a regular visitor to my deck for sunflower seeds appears sick. He’s less active, and when he perches, he gapes his beak open and closed, over and over ...
In some finch species, the difference between colorful males and muted females comes down to one gene, BCO2, which encodes an enzyme that degrades carotenoids. NIH’s plan to reduce indirect funds ...