Many were shot, but a much greater number were sent to the labour camps, the notorious Gulag complex scattered all across the Soviet Union. The paper may from this initial description seem to be ...
In Fall 2010, the Havighurst Center chose to explore the history of the Gulag as its semester-long focus. In addition to hosting speakers on the subject for the Havighurst Colloquia Series, the Center ...
An extraordinary Soviet secret document has recently surfaced in Germany, shedding light on a figure buried deep within ...
In Russia’s arctic wilderness, the remnants of one of the Soviet Union’s most tragic gulag projects now lies largely forgotten. A rotting railway bridge in the Siberian outback A punishment ...
The gulag kicked into high gear after World War ... which became one of the Soviet Union’s finest, says local Jewish activist Alexander Abramovich. “They knew they wouldn’t be deported ...
According to a Telegram social media post by Ksenia Basilashvili, an arts journalist in Russia, wall texts written by Gulag Museum staff detailing repressive acts under the Soviet dictator ...
Researchers from Israel and Russia found the final resting place of Pinchus Kahanovich, known as Der Nister, at a former Soviet gulag ... s army invaded the Soviet Union. Most of the committee ...