The great irony of the liturgical reforms of 1960s Catholicism is that rather than bring new faces into the Church, they drove people away. During the 1930s, there were 12,000 English converts a ...
This is relative to both the decline of Catholicism in Europe generally and the English decline in particular. The number of highly intelligent people in charge of, or influential in, the various ...
These intensified during the 1580s and there were a number of reasons for this. English Catholics had a network of supporters abroad. Many of the missionary priests that arrived in the 1580s came ...
The English are that one modern white people in which the average man could tell you least as to what the Catholic Church is; England is that one western European country in which Catholic culture ...
In 1605 James faced his first major challenge. A band of English Catholic disgruntled with James' perceived lack of tolerance for Catholicism planned to destroy the seat of English government.