Dennis D'Amico, associate professor of animal science, has demonstrated that bacteriophages can effectively reduce the amount of common foodborne pathogens in milk.
It is commonly accepted that insects could possibly be a mechanical vector for transferring pathogens. Especially now larvae ...
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued the recall alert for Morbier de Scey and Raclette de Scey cheeses sold in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Quebec.
Recent research looked at the prevalence of E. coli and other pathogens on organically grown vegetables. The research team was concerned with poultry litter compost and heat-treated poultry litter ...
APEC serogroups O1, O2, and O78 are often implicated in disease. However, an examination of colibacillosis cases in Georgia ...
This cell encircles the pathogen with its membrane ... Reconstructed 3D images of macrophages ingesting E. coli bound on PLL ...
A study has been conducted in broiler breeder flocks to assess the frequency of target bacteria, their antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and to obtain a ...