Enter: dark beers. But that’s a pretty broad category, and while many minds might jump instantly to stouts and porters, there are also American and English brown ales, Scotch ales, Czech dark ...
Dark beer a pretty broad category, though. While minds jump instantly to stouts and porters, there are also American and English brown ales, Scotch ales, Czech dark lagers, and German dunkel lagers.
Originally a dark German beer, the most defining characteristic ... The color range for a bock is anywhere between amber and dark brown. Its smell and taste are akin to its color, heavy and ...
Grid City - Inner Darkness: This Czech lager is traditionally known as "Tmavé Lezak" or Pivo, which translates as "dark lager ...
This was because the clear glass allowed UV rays to penetrate the beer and alter the flavour. The solution was turning bottles brown, a darker colour which would block out the rays. After World ...