Could Comrade Stalin do something? The dictator got sick of these notes, and told his daughter not to serve as a “post-office box.” Worse — much worse — Svetlana’s own relatives ...
In January last year, Radio Moscow proclaimed: “True pupil of Lenin, comrade-in-arms of Stalin … on your 50th birthday we wish you, dear Georgy Malenkov, many years of health.” Georgy ...
6. Stalin, during a speech: “I am prepared to give my blood for the cause of the working class, drop by drop.” A note is passed up to the podium: “Dear Comrade Stalin, why drag things out?
A professor in Moscow told me that in the 1940s an All-Union competition was held to produce the best lighter for comrade Stalin’s pipe. “At that time, several hundred factories participated in the ...
"Yes, and on the territory of the United States there will be a strait in the name of Comrade Stalin," Solovyov added. Putin ...
Documentary on Joseph Stalin's 1928 creation of the world's first Jewish homeland in the Soviet Union, in a barren stretch of land on Siberia's Far Eastern border.
MOSCOW, March 4, 1953 (UP) -- Premier Josef Stalin lay paralyzed and unconscious from a brain hemorrhage today, and the stunned Russians -- from whom the news had been withheld for 48 hours ...
Red Flag shows Tatiana Fedorova, a construction worker, in a Soviet newsreel of the 1930s thanking, on behalf of all young people, "our party and dear Comrade Stalin for this joy we have." ...