Frank breech is the most common type of breech position. Learn what this position means for you and your baby. Medically ...
Around 3 per cent of all deliveries are breech deliveries, which means that the baby is positioned either buttocks down with legs near the head (frank breech) with legs crossed and near the ...
If the fetus remains in breech presentation several weeks before the due date, your doctor may attempt to turn the baby into the correct position. One option typically offered to women after 36 ...
The medical term for this is vertex presentation ... that increases your risk of what's called a breech birth, which is when the baby usually emerges feet or butt-first. "A baby that's delivered ...
[32] Gifford et al assessed the delivery outcomes and cost of each method of delivery for breech presentation and determined that routine ECV practice can result in more vaginal deliveries and ...