BRUSSELS — Belgium has a new prime minister whose political purpose was long to break up the nation, gut the state structures ...
In het uitgebreid dossier 'De plannen van de regering De Wever' analyseren we het federale regeerakkoord tot op het bot. In dit deel gaan we dieper in op vanuit welk standpunt het regeerakkoord is opg ...
Bart De Wever took the oath early Monday, looking straight at King Philippe, the latest monarch of a royal house he so long had little but disdain for because it symbolized the old concept of ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Bart De Wever on becoming Belgium's new leader. De Wever, from the Flemish nationalist N-VA party, succeeds Alexander De Croo, who served as a caretaker ...
some others said at EU leaders meeting BRUSSELS, Feb 3 (Reuters) - New right-wing Belgian Prime Minister Bart De Wever said he wants to cool the European Union's "regulatory fervour" to boost ...
Flemish nationalist Bart De Wever has been sworn in as the country's new prime minister following months of painstaking negotiations to form a coalition that moves the country further to the right.
Het grote publiek leert Bart De Wever kennen in 2008-2009, wanneer hij deelneemt aan de razend populaire tv-quiz "De slimste mens ter wereld". Zijn gevatte en soms cassante reacties kunnen veel kijker ...
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AFP) — Conservative Bart De Wever was sworn in Monday as Belgium’s new prime minister, after striking a hard-fought coalition deal that moves the country to the right.
Right-winger Bart De Wever officially took office on Monday as Belgium’s new prime minister after securing a coalition agreement after seven months of negotiations. The deal was finalized late ...
Moeten de Franstaligen ongerust zijn met een Vlaams-nationalist in de 16? “Die vraag zal tot het einde blijven”, vertelt Béatrice Delvaux, senior writer bij Le Soir, in ‘BDW premier’, een nieuwe podca ...
Conservative Bart De Wever was sworn in Monday as Belgium's new prime minister, after striking a hard-fought coalition deal that moves the country to the right. Reached after seven months of ...
Belgium's King Philippe, center front, and new Belgian Prime Minister Bart De Wever, front center left, pose with ministers after a swearing in ceremony for the new government at the Royal Palace ...