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Our mission: Newgate School is dedicated to helping low-income young adults succeed in their quest for self-sufficiency. Our school: Newgate is a non-profit 501(c)(3) automotive technical school …
Our mission: Newgate School is dedicated to helping low-income young adults succeed in their quest for self-sufficiency. Our school: Newgate is a non-profit 501(c)(3) automotive technical school located in the Twin Cities. We offer auto body and auto mechanic training for unemployed or under-employed adults. Newgate students pay no tuition or fees. What they get from showing up and working hard is priceless: vocational skills, a work ethic, and the personal confidence needed to succeed in a career. Newgate graduates become certified as auto technicians in 12-18 months. Newgate has an exceptional job placement rate.
Newgate School accepts almost all cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles. Newer models are especially useful as training tools. Other types of vehicles (such as boats...